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About Me

My name is Ashley Peacock, and I'm the spreadsheet designer here at Peacock Sheetsmithing. I love spreadsheets because they make it so easy to stay organized and efficient, plus they save me from having to do math!

I am: an NC State alumna, a transcript proofreader, a Mu Beta Psi Brother, a Hufflepuff, and a vegan. I live in Raleigh, NC, and love music, reading, photography, camping, and cats.

Spreadsheet Templates for Transcript Professionals

Job Tracker 2.0 for Proofreaders

The Proofreading Job Tracker is a Google Sheets™ template with scripted functionality to help you easily add and update job details, monitor your workload, and visualize trends.

Notes Template Names Sheet

Notes Template for Proofreaders, Scopists, and Reporters

The Transcript Notes Template for Microsoft Excel can help you efficiently keep track of names, dates, exhibits, and more. The template features a special QuickSort function.